Scientific Program

The scientific program is the essential core of the ISSI: It is the camp's main aim to enthuse young people about natural sciences and mathematics and of course about the career opportunities at the Weizmann Institute. Hence the first three weeks of the stay are spent working on the projects.


Before arrival the participants chose their five favourites amongst the proposed project abstracts. Based on these priorities the organisators divide the students into groups with one, two or three members who are going to work together for the next three weeks. Usually half of the projects are situated in a biological realm while the rest is either chemical, physical or mathematical. Every group is mentored by one (or rarely several) scientist belonging to a working group of the institute. Up to some exceptions the project will form a part of the mentors latest research, such that the students can play a vital role in actual, cutting-edge research. Depending on the specific topic the group will have access to expensive instruments and modern laboratories and enjoy some liberties in chosing their methods.

After having worked on their projects for three entire weeks every group gives a 10 minutes presentations in front of the other participants and their mentors. Besides, every group has to write a lab report obeying the rules of scientific paper writing.The reports are collected and bookbinded and thus represent the final scientific results of the ISSI.

Of course, it is the greatest pleasure for a group to see that they have done something useful for their mentor's research endeavour.

Other scientific activities

The second pillar of the scientific program comprises academic lectures on a handful of afternoons. These obligatory lectures are held especially for the ISSI participants. They deal with a wide range of topics depending on the lecturer's field of interest and specialization.

Additional activities like guided tours through the institutes or stargazing round the offered activities off.

Last update: 2022-12-02, 21:44